Start up & Intro & Specification Phase -
Preparatory work [Statement of Work EOI, RFI] 2002-2004
- Consultant - Terms of Reference [for
revising the 1998 Statement of Work SOW - in 2002];
- Revised Draft of the 2002 Statement of Work [SOW] to Develop a Strategic
Plan for a Digital Archive - for final comment by Participating Agencies
[21 May 2002 version with annexes in zip file]
- Executive summary for Presentation
- Table of Contents
- Annexes
Approval of Project Manager for
Digital Archives project -
- Expression of Interest [EOI], Request for Information [RFI]; Request for
Proposal [RFP] - Developing a Strategic Plan for a Digital Archives Programme,
Selection of Vendors
- UNPOs Consultancy Services to develop a Strategic Plan for a Digital
Archives Programme (DAP)
- Development of Bidders List, Issuing Request for Proposal [RFP] based
on 2002 SOW
- Comparison and Evaluation of Vendor Responses
- Selection of Vendors and Issuing a Contract[s]
- Final DAP-SOW, Phase 1, Statement of Work
UN-CS-RAI-USAA-DB01-2003-00008 annex A of RFP
- UNPOs Common Services Task Force - 16 Dec 2002. WGARM
Powerpoint Presentation - Status of Project deliverables with focus
on Details, timeframe etc. for Digital Archives Project. CSTF agreed RFP
for Strategic Plan to be issued to vendors. [Now expected early March 2003].
- In response to CSTF Coordinator request, DAP project manager also
provided some rough estimates for 2003-2005 UNPOs individual budget planning.
copies contact: dmueller@unicef.org]
- DAP Status as
of 05 Sept 2003 presentation to CSTF on Status of DAP Project - Strategic Plan for Digital Archives and
other WGARM Projects -
Delay to Digital Archive Project,
Note to the Coordinator of Common Service Task force, requesting CSTF action
Memo to Mr. Toh, Coordinator of CSTForce, requesting
assistance to intercede with OLA to issue DAP contract UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00032
Final Comments/Changes concerning OLA revised draft Entium DAP contract dated 18 May 2004
Comments on draft OLA DAP contract with Entium Tech following WGARM, 17 May meeting
UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00036; 18 May 2004, Available to members on request.
Draft Comparison/Comments/Changes concerning OLA revised draft Entium DAP contract dated 13 May 2004
Initial comparison/comments on draft OLA DAP contract with Entium Tech; UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00035
13 May 2004; Available to members on request
Previous Work UN Community