CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-380 15 Nov 1997
DRAFT: COVER Sheet to packet on:
Short Title: Electronic Records; Planning for Application data integrity over time:
Key word or Concepts: Electronic Files / Digital Archives; Requirements / Responsibilities; Project managers / Stake holders / System Designers; Plans / costs for system application protection
1. Over view of Problem & Items to mention: 1.a Life cycles: Systems, data, Records, Equipment & Software 1.b Other pressures/Stakeholders related to Life cycles 1.c Content and Context of data Aintegrity
2. What each project manager should keep in mind during creation design. 2.a What Process does the information come from. 2.b How Avaluable is the process or products based on the grid for traditional outputs. 2.c How to confirm assigned value with stakeholders or their custodians [future users]
3. NECESSARY prerequisite;
3.a Early Lifecycle: 3.a.1 Inventory of Systems, media, applications, processes, data 3.a.2 Back up procedure 3.a.3 Data to Archive Process in place/tested [plan at creation for later Lifecycle]
3.b Later Lifecycle: 3.b.1 Separate Archive procedure for process and data Aaccession 3.b.2 Migration data at defined intervals 3.b.3 Apresentation/reader/interpreter emulators or original 3.b.4 Archive Programs as well as data, or conversion that protects content and context. 3.b.5 Dual Media / Dual site storage
3.c Independent >certification authority 3.c.1 Standards for conformance agreed 3.c.2 Testing time frame confirmed
4. Predicting growth/Costs of preservation over time 4.a Cost of data storage is decreasing 4.b System implications based on time frame
5.a RLG/CPA task Force on Archiving Digital Information at Http:// Digital Information: Final Report and Recommendations Commission on Preservation and Access (CPA) and Research Libraries Group [RLG] created a Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information charged with investigating and recommending means to ensure "continued access indefinitely into the future of records stored in digital electronic form." Http:// |