Below informaion relates to developing a Digital Archives Programme within the United Nations Participating Organizations in HQNY. In this regard, interested individuals are invited to review the Expression of Interest EOI as outlined below and respond accordingly by contacting Grace Montelibano,   More information is available at (scroll down to eoi 1571) or go direct to .
An intro with below announcement has also been sent to various professional list serves including:  Archives,  Records Management, Library Reference,  Oral History Feel free to share with colleagues and encourage interested vendors to respond to the RFI.

Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Subject: Consultancy Services to develop a Strategic Plan for a Digital Archives Programme (DAP)
Date of this EOI: 25 September 2002
Closing Date for Receipt of EOI at PD: 25 October 2002
Reference No.: EOIGM1571
Address EOI by fax for the Attention of: Ms. Grace Montelibano
E-mail Address:
Fax Number: (212) 963-8958
Description of Requirement: "Strategic Plan for Digital Archives Programme"

The Common Services Task Force Working Group on Archives and Records Management, WGARM, will be seeking proposals from qualified vendors to develop a Strategic Plan for a Digital Archives Programme [DAP], within United Nations Participating Organizations [UNPOs]1 based in New York.

This Project is the first of two phases required to design and implement digital archives capacity within the UNPOs to ensure long term preservation, maintenance of and access to digital records of archival value. Phase One, as noted below, is composed of various elements to create
a DAP framework, while Phase Two, the subject of a separate and future project, would implement it.

This Project is composed of the following elements
1) An Assessment and Analysis of the current administrative and technical infrastructures within the UNPOs relating to the identification and preservation of digital records including policy and practices, record keeping requirements and technology and infrastructure capacities.
2) Digital Archives Programme design which would identify policies, procedures, standards, specifications and technologies related to the preservation, maintenance of and long term access to digital records and create a framework to implement DAP facilities;
3) An Implementation Plan that describes a high level approach linking the current technical and administrative infrastructure for core UNPOs' systems (item 1) with the proposed DAP (item 2).

It should be noted that given the UNPO environment, the DAP must have policies, standards, requirements and specifications that can be applied to various organizations with different infrastructures, resources and budgets, must be able to be applied in phases or over a period of time and should include models for co-operative as well as separate repository networks and services.

A Request for Information, RFI, is available which includes additional details such as project background, problem statement, definition of terms, project activities and deliverables, anticipated schedules and shortlisting criteria. Interested vendors are encouraged to review and comment on the RFI since the shortlisting for the formal RFP will be based on the responses received. All responses must be received by 28 October 2002.  The RFI can be requested through the contact person, Mary Grace Montelibano, Procurement Officer, email

1 The United Nations Participating Organisations are those organisations within the United Nations community that are members of the Common Services Task Force, including United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], United Nations Population Fund [UNFPA], United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF], United Nations Office for Project Services [UNOPS] and UN Secretariat [UNSEC].