UNPOs Common Service    WGARM Working Group on Archives and Records Management


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Previous Events                                                                                               

(Detailed agenda with reminder will follow closer to date. Members welcome to identify background documents and to share announcement with their interested colleagues.])

  • Tuesday :      5th August 10:00 - 12:00 Lotus NotesMail & Outlook e-mail integration with "TRIM Context" &   Web browser. at UNDP, DC1 17th floor Conference Room B (near the WITs area) Follow up Tower Software  Presentation & Demonstration  comparing features and system implications of TRIM Version 4.3 [Capture] and Version 5.0 [Context] including integration with Lotus Notes e-mail and shared test site for WGARM documents and files using Web Context


  • Wednesday:  6th August 10:00 - 12:00 Identification of major "Document Type" issues. * at UNDP, DC1 17th floor Conference Room B (near the WITs area)
    * Note: As planned the "Documents Type"  issues will be further explored during Oct 2003 follow up to Phase 1 of the Appraisal Decision Assistance Project and during the development of the Digital Archives Strategic Plan
    project [2003-2004]. This 6 Aug meeting will allow review of the issues that have already been identified and members to share the previous work of  their organizations. [see posted undp related docs]


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Information on Participating Organizations [UN POs]         [UN New York Secretariat, Funds and Programmes]

UNDP United Nations Fund for Development [was UN Development Programme]
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund [was UN Fund for Populations Activities?]
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund [was UN International Children's Emergency Fund]
UNOPS United Nations Office of Project Services [was.
UN-Sec United Nations Secretariat
CSTF / WGARM Common Services Taskforce/Working Group on Archives and Records Management