Chapter 5: Records
Management |
UNDP records management relates to the creation, use and maintenance of
current records in a systematic manner, and pertains to any information,
regardless of physical form or characteristic, originating from or received by
UNDP within the framework of its official activities.
5.1.1 Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
- Regular mail
Regular mail is opened by the registry unit, passed to the addressee
and ultimately filed by the filing unit according to appropriate file
- Confidential or personal attention
Confidential or personal attention mail is unopened, and passed by
the registry unit to the addressee. If opened by accident, the
registry unit puts it back in the envelope, staples it and sends it to the
addressee with a note of apology. Action may be necessary to ensure
senders label envelopes appropriately. Correspondence may be filed in
the classified file, with an optional cross reference to the subject file,
or declassified and filed in the regular files. Personal correspondence may
be copied to the addressee's personal file. The receiver of
confidential/personal correspondence is responsible for assigning a file
number (if appropriate).
- Outgoing Mail
- Confidential or personal attention
The sender determines if correspondence is confidential or personal
attention. If sealed, check the pouch certifying officer's signature.
5.1.2 Files and Filing
Files should contain records originating from or received by the organisation
in written, audio, video, electronic and all other forms. Global Filing Classification System
The current UNDP global filing classification system uses a subject
classification for files. Principal subjects are broadly divided into the
following categories:
series |
activities |
prefix |
100 series |
organisational activities |
200 series |
general activities |
financial activities |
personnel activities |
public information activities |
300/400 series |
programme activities |
500 series |
legal matters |
This classification system is organised to permit expansion of established
subjects and development of new subjects by wide spacing of the numbering
system. The complete global filing system may be found at 5.4.2: Global Filing List.
Project files are maintained separately by project number. Country offices
should review the feasibility of different project files (project documents,
equipment, general, fellowships, etc.) for the same project. Maintenance
- Chronological and/or reading files
Organisational units at Headquarters and country offices should
maintain a daily chronological and/or reading file for one copy of each
outgoing piece of correspondence. The reading file will normally be destroyed
after circulation among the staff members concerned. The chronological
file will be maintained for a maximum of one year. The master copy is
maintained in the master subject file.
- Master subject file
- Daily filing
Filing should be performed daily to avoid an accumulation of papers
and ensure files are current at all times.
- Correct filing
Incoming correspondence should be placed in chronological order
according to the date on the correspondence (not the date received). The
staff member responsible for filing must check outgoing as well as incoming
correspondence for correct file classification.
- Completed action
The staff member responsible for filing must check incoming
correspondence before filing to ensure any required actions have been
- Enclosures/attachments
Enclosures and attachments should be filed in chronological sequence
with the covering letter in the appropriate subject file. If the
enclosure/attachment is too bulky to file with the covering
letter/correspondence in the subject file, a cross reference should be made on
the covering letter indicating the bulky document is kept in a separate box
file labelled "box file containing reports/publications too bulky for main
file." If an enclosure/attachment is a copy of a communication received
or dispatched at an earlier date, the staff member should ensure it is already
on file in the correct chronological sequence. If the
enclosure/attachment is missing, the attachment just received should be filed
in chronological order in the appropriate subject file. Archiving
The responsible unit at Headquarters or the country office will issue
guidelines on archiving which will reflect the local situation and incorporate
the following directives: See the archiving retention policy.
- Preparing files for archiving
Weed out files prior archiving. Place loose papers into files or
fasten with a rubber band. Separate permanent and temporary files and archive
them in separate boxes. Wherever possible place files of a common nature into
one archive box, e.g. project document files, personnel files. Prepare a list
of contents of each box, indicating name of files and content (i.e. IND/78/008
Project Documents) and place one copy inside the box. Send to the respective
archiving unit with the requisite number of copies of the list of contents.
The archiving unit and the organisational unit retain copies of the list of
- Confirming retention schedule
Following receipt and inspection of boxes, the Archiving Unit contacts
the organisational unit, and confirms and records the disposal date according
to the retention schedule.
- Requesting return of files
Organisational units may request files in writing or by e-mail,
specifying the file number and box description if possible. The normal loan
period is 30 days. If files are required for more than 30 days,
organisational units must request an extension. The Archiving Unit maintains
records of all file movements.
- Disposal
The Archiving Unit confirms the date of disposal with the
organisational unit prior to disposing of the files.
5.2 Roles and
Responsibilities |
5.2.1 Introduction Headquarters
Custody and monitoring of archived, permanent and non-permanent records is
the responsibility of the Administrative Services Division (ASD)/COHSS at
Headquarters. ASD oversees implementation of the records management and archives
programmes by ensuring guidelines are comprehensive and up-to-date, revising
retention schedules to ensure new records are covered, and archiving and
retrieving UNDP Headquarters records.
Records management and systematic file maintenance (according to established
procedure) are the responsibility of each Headquarters unit. Department heads
are responsible for ensuring these guidelines are followed, and appropriate
records management and archiving procedures are effectively implemented. Country Offices
Records management and systematic file maintenance (according to established
procedure) are the responsibility of each country office. Resident
Representatives are responsible for ensuring these guidelines are
followed, and appropriate records management and archiving procedures are
effectively implemented.
Offices may choose to adopt a centralised filing system (with a records
management unit having overall responsibility) or designate a staff member to
monitor a decentralised filing system. A mixture of centralised general files
and decentralised project files may also be considered. Whatever system is used,
clear internal guidelines on who is responsible for files must be issued by the
Resident Representative. Documents and circulars issued to country offices
should be considered part of this filing responsibility.
Custody and monitoring of archived, permanent and non-permanent records are
the responsibility of the Resident Representative. Concerned Staff
Designated staff should be aware of their responsibilities and those of other
units to ensure correct record management and archiving.
5.2.2 Guidelines
- Classification
The creator of a record is responsible for its classification.
All correspondence must carry the appropriate subject file number/name in
accordance with the global filing
classification system. If an item is classified as confidential, a dated
cross reference should be made in the subject file which indicates a
confidential letter/document exists in a separate confidential file. All
documents must carry an appropriate classification symbol, and must be issued
in numerical order.
- Languages
Circular letters are prepared in one or more of the organisation's six
official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish. All other documents and correspondence (unless otherwise
authorised by the Director of the Bureau for Finance and Administrative
Services) should be prepared in English, French or Spanish (the UN's main
working languages). Letters received in Arabic with a reply also in
Arabic must be accompanied by an unsigned copy in English. This applies
to letters received in all other languages that are not UN working languages.
- Clearances
Correspondence and documents containing statements of UNDP policy
(other than those specifically quoted from official records, or which attempt
to interpret established policy) must be submitted to the Assistant
Administrator concerned. Information to be distributed in which
reference is made to an opinion expressed by the Administrator or a statement
attributed to him/her must be cleared by the Administrator. All other
correspondence and documents must be cleared and carry signatures according to
the written policy of the respective unit or country office.
5.3.1 Definition
Records are any information, regardless of physical form or characteristic,
which originate from or are received by UNDP within the framework of its
official activities. Files contain records originating from or received by the
organisation in written, audio, video, electronic and all other
forms. Records management relates to the creation, use and maintenance of
current records in a systematic manner. Archiving deals with the preservation
and maintenance of non-current records on a temporary or permanent/indefinite
basis in accordance with an established retention schedule.
5.3.2 Key Objective, Core Policy And Future
Directions Introduction
In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, promote
programme quality, and enable UNDP to fulfil its role as a development agency,
the following initiatives have recently been introduced:
- With the introduction of decentralisation, country offices are delegated
increased approval authority, responsibility for a country office review and
reporting system, and increased and independent management of financial and
administrative responsibilities.
- UNDP's adoption of modern information management technology (through the
introduction of standardised office automation at Headquarters and country
offices) has facilitated a much faster and efficient exchange of information.
As a result, the flow of information within departments at Headquarters,
country offices, and with sister organisations as well as with other offices
is tremendous.
This migration toward more decentralised, automated and transparent
operational practices contributes to UNDP's efficiency and effectiveness. At the
same time, individual staff members have more responsibility for creating,
disseminating, maintaining and preserving official records. While official
records are more widely accessible, the risk of losing important official
records is higher. Therefore, it is imperative that technologically up-to-date,
systematic and efficient management and safekeeping of vital records occurs in
an integrated and coordinated manner to accommodate fast moving, high-tech
operational practices. Key Objective
The objective of UNDP's records management and archives procedures is to
establish and implement a systematic records/file management programme which
enables staff members to create, maintain, appraise and preserve official UNDP
records, and which ensures easy accessibility and continuity of information. Core Policy
UNDP records, regardless of physical form or characteristic, are the property
of the organisation. They shall not be destroyed or removed from
originating units, except in accordance with established guidelines, or with the
approval of and in consultation with management of the originating office.
5.3.3 Filing Subject Classification
The current classification system is presently being reviewed to take into
consideration the organisation's migration toward electronic file management,
and to ensure the inclusion of UNDP's many new initiatives and mandates.
Pending finalisation of the revised filing system, the existing global filing classification system is
to be used. All official files should conform to this system. It is of
utmost importance that files be accurately identified.
The global filing classification system is arranged to include all possible
subject matters, but it is not intended that each country office or Headquarters
unit create a file for every number listed. The system should be modified
according to local conditions, office size and/or range of activities. Registry
A registry in UNDP country offices is the institutional memory for incoming
and outgoing communications and files. Given country offices' leaner staffing
and the introduction of electronic communications, it is the Resident
Representative's responsibility (regardless of whether the registry function is
centralised or decentralised) to appoint someone to ensure correspondence is
correctly coded and filed, and written guidelines on internal communications and
registry functions are in place. Archiving Retention Policy
- Programme files
Documentary material dealing with policy, procedural or technical
matters which may be viewed as having a permanent archival value to the
organisation should be retained. A list of such files is found in section
5.4.1 Files for Permanent
Retention. Headquarters is the main repository for programme
files. Programme files other than permanent files should be maintained
for a period of seven years following completion of the project.
- Financial records
The UNDP External Auditors confirmed in February 2000 that the maximum
number of years which any finance file needs to be retained is ten (10). This
applies to both headquarters and country offices.
- Staff members' records
Records for locally-recruited Headquarters staff and all
internationally-recruited staff are maintained at Headquarters. Country
offices maintain records of locally-recruited staff. A list of permanent
staff records is found in section 5.4.1
Files for Permanent Retention. Documentation on file other than the
aforementioned records should be retained for a minimum period of seven
- Valid lease agreements
Both Headquarters (Administrative Services Division) and country
offices must maintain permanent records of all valid lease agreements for
office space and/or housing.
- Other administrative, personnel, programme, organisation files
A list of permanent files/records is found in section 5.4.1 Files for Permanent
Retention. All other files/records should be retained for a maximum of seven years.
- Chronological/reading files
One set of chronological and/or reading files should be maintained for
a maximum of one year.
- Country offices: permanent files upon closure of UNDP office
The Administrative Services Division (ASD) will
coordinate this operation. The Office of Human Resources, Division of
Finance, and the appropriate Bureau will advise the country office of
files/records to be sent to Headquarters or destroyed. Retirement of Non-Current Records
In order to prevent an unnecessary buildup of records in limited office
space, file retirement should be undertaken quarterly by each organisational
unit/country office. Where this frequency is not practical or necessary, files
should be retired a minimum of once per calendar year. File retirement should
include purging files (disposing of duplicate copies, drafts, and any
unnecessary documents).
When purging files, highest priority should be given to completed or inactive
files, but non-current file parts, semi-active files and files which are rarely
used should also be retired. Originating offices can have access to retired
files in a few days. If necessary, retired
files should be made available in one working day.
Personal and working files containing UNDP information of a non-personal
nature are often maintained by individual officers for a variety of reasons. It
must be remembered that these files are the property of the organisation. When
individuals retire from the organisation, these files should be inspected.
Records are disposed of according to the official retention schedule. When
disposal is due, the Archiving Unit will review the list of
records to be disposed of, consult the originating office (if necessary)
and authorise disposal as appropriate. If justified, a revised disposal date can
be established and the Archiving Unit duly notified of such change. Files will
be disposed of by incineration and/or shredding. Storage of Archived Material
- Headquarters
UNDP Headquarters uses a private company for physical storage of
official records. The Archives and Records Management Unit can make a
computerised, itemised list of all retired files available to the originating
office. This list is an inventory of archived files which can be sorted
by different categories, used to verify whether files have been retired, and
to assist in file retrieval.
5.3.4 Forms Management
To the extent possible, country offices should download the electronic
version of forms or produce the required forms locally. The forms may be found
on either the BFAS and/or OHR webpages, under the FORMS section. UNDP
headquarters Administrative Services Division will continue to supply a limited
amount of decals and UN forms only. The Forms Order is attached
as part of the MOM and may also be found under the FORMS heading. Country
offices should ensure that their account code number is clearly marked when
5.3.5 UNDP Manuals
UNDP manuals are the property
of the organisation. Country offices will receive limited copies only. These
manuals are issued by UNDP to offices and posts, not to individuals. It is the
responsibility of the Resident Representative to ensure no manual is removed or
taken by any staff member, and that all manuals are current and available for
use by successive officers. With the advent of UNDP manuals being transmitted to
country offices electronically, the Resident Representative should ensure that
all staff have access tot he latest version of such electronic information.
5.3.6 Briefing Report and CFO
Country offices are expected to update the Briefing Report and Country Field
Office Manual themselves directly into the data bases provided. Templates has
been provided for uniformity and ease of inputting the necessary data. Country
offices are responsible for providing the names of the two focal points who will
undertake this project to HQs [] to receive necessary
passwords - the country office should provide to HQs the full name, position
title and e-mail address of the staff members concerned.
Those few country offices who feel they will not be able to input the
information directly should seek advice from the HQs focal point [].
Upon confirmation that a specific country office cannot input directly the
information, the Administrative Services Division will continue to update the
Briefing Report
The Briefing Report is a very important document that should answer most
queries on settling into a new duty station. Information should be concise and
relevant to the newcomers' needs. It is recommended that not more than half a
page be given to any one chapter sub-section. Resident Representatives are
responsible for contents and ensuring that the report is up-to-date. The country
office is responsible for inclusion of the data onto the UNDP intranet and for
duplication and distribution where necessary to other country offices and UN
agencies. Country offices are encouraged to update the Briefing Report at least
once a year.
Instructions on Updating and
Completing the Briefing Report Template are found under 5.4.3.
The CFO is one of the most widely used manuals. Resident Representatives are
responsible for ensuring that the information is updated regularly and at least
once every quarter and ASD will continue to monitor that this is done. The
Annexes to the CFO will continue to be included into the UNDP intranet directly
by HQs.
Instructions on Updating and
Completing the CFO Template are found under 5.4.4.
5.3.7 Dissemination of Information of an Administrative
Nature to UNDP and UN Agencies
It is often necessary to inform UN Agencies and UNDP Headquarters/country
offices of certain conditions prevailing at the duty station which have a
bearing on administrative formalities. This mainly (but not exclusively)
concerns all aspects of mission travel in terms of the requirements of the
programme government, and the services and facilities available locally through
the UNDP office or otherwise. Such circulars will be broadcast by the specific
country office to UNDP country offices and/or UN agencies affected.
Information copies will also be sent to the Bureau and the Administrative
Services Division (ASD), who will in turn advise the UN travel service, and
insert relevant clauses into the Country Field Office Information
5.3.8 Country Office Reports
Country offices are required to forward the following operational reports to
Headquarters on a regular basis:
Report Type |
Process |
Briefing report |
Country offices are responsible to enter the information directly as
per 5.3.6 and 5.4.3.
Deadline: at least once a year |
Country Field Office Manual |
Country offices are responsible to enter the information directly as
per 5.3.6 and 5.4.4.
Deadline: at least once a quarter |
Inventory/FOINVENT |
Diskette required by January 31 of each year. |
Vehicles in UNDP custody |
Report required by January 5 of each year. |
Rent roll |
Report required by 7th of each month. |
Local Property Survey Board and Local Contracts Committee
membership |
Membership lists required annually. |
Local Contracts Committee activities report |
Annual summary and copies of Local Contracts Committee minutes must be
submitted to the secretary of the Advisory Committee on Procurement by
January 15 of each year. |
Office automation plan |
An annual submission must be made during the early part of each
year. |
Hand-over reports |
Described in sections 5.3.9
and These are
intended for new Resident Representatives or other new staff, and are
submitted at the time of staff change. Copies must be sent to Headquarters
(ASD) and to the Regional Bureau. |
Security plan |
Includes a list of international personnel for security purposes.
Annual and semiannual lists must be sent to the UN Security
Coordinator. |
Country office directory |
Directory of all staff. Copies are sent to the Regional Bureau
and the Headquarters Security Coordinator. |
Disaster recovery plan |
A one-time requirement when office automation equipment is initiated
or modified. |
Medical evacuation report |
Annually to the Office of Human Resources (OHR). |
Staffing tables |
FOST quarterly to OHR. NPPPs and SSAs
to OHR semiannually. |
Others |
As specified in other UNDP manuals. |
5.3.9 Reporting of Hand-Over Procedures on Departure
To help ensure the smooth continuity of activities and flow of information
during a management change, departing senior staff (the Resident Representative
and/or Deputy Resident Representative, Operations Manager) should prepare a
hand-over report. This report is a formal means by which a departing staff
member provides a synopsis to the incoming staff member on the status of various
aspects of UNDP relationships: those with the programme government, agencies
within the United Nations system, bilateral assistance programmes, aid
coordination, emergency management, programme management, operations management
(general administration, finance, office automation, human resources) and other
related matters. Even when it is possible for a departing staff member to
organise a hand-over briefing in person, a hand-over report should be prepared
as a background for discussion and for required distribution to other
The hand-over report prepared by the Resident Representative should be
comprehensive; those for Deputies should pertain to their specific areas of
operation within the country office. Deputies' hand-over reports should be
cleared by the Resident Representative.
Detailed functions of country offices (see the
Organisational Manual) may be useful as background material for
preparing this document. While a long descriptive report is to be avoided
(ten pages is suggested as optimal length), country office activities should be
accurately and concisely reviewed. Information included in internal
country office reports or reports submitted to Headquarters should be referred
to and not replicated. An electronic version of the hand-over report
should be retained on diskette in the country office. This should be
treated as a confidential file.
The departing staff member should forward copies of the hand-over report
- the incoming staff member (through the Resident Representative or
Officer-in-Charge, as appropriate).
- Executive Office, Office of the Administrator.
- relevant Regional Bureau.
- Office of Human Resources.
- Division of Finance.
- Administrative Services Division . Hand-Over Report: Recommended Contents
- Relations with the programme government
General relations with relevant government ministries and agencies.
Important information that may be useful to the incoming Resident
Representative relative to government coordinating units and channels of
- Relations with executing agencies, other organisations of the United
Nations system and nongovernmental organisations
Analysis of relations with UN agency representation, other
organisations of the United Nations system and nongovernmental
organisations. State whether coordination meetings are held regularly,
and what actions need to be taken (if any) to maintain and strengthen this
coordination process.
- Resident Coordinator functions/relations
Analysis should include actions being taken as Resident Coordinator,
and relations with other UN agencies and the programme government.
- Relations with bilateral assistance programmes
Mode of participation and issues encountered with bilateral technical
assistance in government projects. Suggestions for maintaining and
strengthening these relations.
- Aid coordination
Existing economic and social conditions in the country, current
policies and development plans. As aid coordination is primarily a
responsibility of the government, suggestions for ways UNDP could assist in
improving the aid coordination function.
- Public relations and fund-raising
Donor linkages to identify strategies, beneficial relationships with
nongovernmental organisations and other local representatives of national or
international partners.
- Emergency management
Analysis of rehabilitation and development activities, including
national systems for prevention, preparedness, coordination, cooperation, and
relationships between emergency relief and development. Where the
country office experiences natural disasters, a well documented annex on steps
to be taken during such an occurrence should be attached.
- Security situation
Current status of the security situation, including matters requiring
attention (current validity of the security plan, specific precautionary
matters, etc.).
- Programme management
Main issues relating to the status of the country programme, projects
monitoring and evaluation (round table, consultative
group and others, peak budgets, pipeline,
etc.). Country strategy note and
possibilities for mobilising non-core funding (cost-sharing, MSAs and other
trust fund allocations from global and thematic facilities such as Global
Environment Facility, Montreal Protocol, etc.). The status of each
ongoing and pipeline project should not be included, as this information is
available to the incoming Resident Representative in other reports.
Relevant reports submitted to Headquarters which deal with programme matters
and necessary follow-up may be referred to if appropriate. Suggestions and
activities underway to improve the quality of programme/project management.
Issues which may have negatively affected project implementation, and remedial
courses of action should be highlighted.
- Operations management
Comments on the current organisational structure of the country office
(chains of command, lines of authority, areas requiring streamlining and
strengthening). Chronic and recurring problem areas should be highlighted;
suggestions for possible remedial or follow-up actions should be included. The
general administration, finance, office automation and human resources
situation should be reflected. Departing staff members should emphasize
recommendations for follow-up actions on the various issues.
- Human resources
Organigram, office work plan, current status of staff assigned to the
country office, FOST, staff members' perceptions of their functions, morale in
general. Adequacy and condition of services, functioning of the PAR/MRG
system, implementation of the national officer
scheme. Local salary structure, NPPP scales, Appointment and
Promotion Panel, training plan, staff association, etc. Suggestions for
necessary follow-up action.
- Finance
Government contributions (outstanding pledges, GLOC). Finances
(budget, status of allotment, extrabudgetary funds, add-on funds, ARLs).
Accountability (certifying and approving officers for both finance and pouch,
bank accounts, bank signatories, petty and safe custodians, delegation of
procurement authority, imprest level, bank agreement). Audit (latest
audit reports). Views about possible risk areas, and how effective
financial management and internal controls may be maintained and
- General administration
Problems requiring follow-up regarding housing in general and the
status of the briefing report. Country office premises, dispensary and
commissary operations (if applicable), inventory. Local Property
Survey Board, Local Contracts Committee, transportation, equipment,
communications (fax, telephone, e-mail, pouch, telex), changes to be
introduced or consolidated to ensure the most cost-effective use of
communications means. Existing service contracts for travel, maintenance
of premises and local area network (LAN)
- Management information systems and office automation
Status of office automation (including the use of computerised
management information systems), the adequacy of infrastructure and of the
office automation plan.
- Common premises
Common premises agreements (if applicable), agencies sharing, CSA
summary, floor plan, any subcontracting arrangements, budgets, etc.
- Other matters as appropriate
Issues not covered in the areas above which might have a direct and/or
indirect impact on country office operation for both programme and
5.4.1 Files for Permanent Retention
- Staff members' records
- personal history form P.11
- marriage certificates
- change of marital status
- divorce decree
- birth certificate
- adoption papers
- national status of staff with more than one
nationality P.78
- change of nationality
- notice of the Secretary-General's authorisation for
- designation, change or revocation of beneficiary
- certificates, diplomas, etc (additional
- results of language examinations
- honors for work outside the UN
- honors for work in the UN
- letters of commendation
- personnel record/fact sheet
- change of address
- personnel action form P.5
- settlement of final entitlements upon
separation P.35
- final clearance certificate
- cost sheets for junior professional officers
- personnel payroll clearance action
- offers of appointment
- notice of termination
- report of service-incurred accidents or illness
- change of medical classification
- copies of performance reports/appraisals
- confidential correspondence
- Programme/project files
- project proposals
- project requests
- final report
- signed project document and revisions
- final project budget
- evaluation reports
- documentary material such as that dealing with policy,
procedural or technical matters which may be viewed as having a permanent
archival value to the organisation
- Administrative records
- inventory of non-expendable property
- certifying officers
- credit union
- customs clearance and import procedures policy
(country office)
- disposal of office equipment (Headquarters and country
- manuals and handbooks
- survey board minutes (Headquarters and country
- office establishment/leases (Headquarters and country
- policies and procedures
- contracts and procurement (Headquarters and country
- Personnel administration records
- duties, obligations and privileges of staff (hours of
work, official holidays)
- salaries and related allowances (scales, language
allowance, post adjustment, daily subsistence allowance, special post
allowance, overtime and compensatory time off, advances)
- Appointment and Promotion Board (Headquarters and
country office)
- Public information activities
- policy
- Consultative Committee on Public Information
- individual publications
- special articles
- public information (including UN Day and Human Rights
- Organization records
- legislations (Omnibus Statute, resolutions,
- major studies
- participation in UNDP
- channel of communications (governments,
- management inspections
- cooperation and consultation
- Resident Representatives (global, regional,
- machinery of UNDP - organization and management
- Administrator and Deputy Administrator
- governing council (terms of reference, rules and
procedures, members, meetings, representation, committees, reports)
- Advisory Panel for Policy Planning
- conference planning
5.4.2 Global Filing List
5.4.3 Instructions on Updating and Completing the
Briefing Report Template
- Open the Netscape Navigator
- Change the URL address to -
- Type your Login ID and Password. Then click on the Briefing Report Edits
on the Country Management section
- Choose Region and Country and enter information on the
- Assistance on the template headings is given below.
- Country Information: - Country information automatically inserted
into the Briefing Report through completion of the CFO: i.e. Mail Address,
Street Address, Telephone, Facsimile, FO Email, CO Registry Email Address.
- I Introduction to the UN System in _______ -
UN Agencies - automatically inserted from the CFO - Mission
Statements: country office to insert
- II Living in ______________ - Physical
Features, Climate, Natural Resources, Political & Administrative
Organisations, Development Indicators, People, Language, Religion,
Education: country office to insert.
- III Living in _______________ - Spouses and
Employment Opportuntieis, Shopping and Markets, Food and Restaurants, PTT, TV,
Radio and Internet Services, Things to Do, Travelling in this country:
country office to insert - Official Holidays: automatically inserted
from the CFO - UN Services: country office to insert.
- IV_____________Values - Expatriate Overviews, Hints on Food,
Gifts and Social Dos and Don’t's: country office to insert
- V Pre-Departure to _____________ -
Pre-Departure Check List country office to insert - Visa
Requirements: automatically inserted from CFO - Other Visa
Requirements, Travelling to this country, Pets, Shipment
Information/Importation: country offices to insert
- VI Getting Settled in ___________ - Arrival
Check List, Hotels, House Hunting, Furniture/Appliances, Household Help,
Utilities, Range of Monthly Costs, Vehicles, Banking, Schooling, Health,
Security, Insurance: country office to insert
- VII Useful Information - Background Reading,
Other Phone Numbers: country office to insert - Phone Number:
automatically inserted from CFO.
- The date of update will automatically appear.
5.4.4 Instructions on Updating and Completing the CFO
- Open the Netscape Navigator
- Change the URL address to:
- Type your Login ID and Password. Then click on the "Submit"
- Look for "Country Management" and Click on CFO Edits
- Choose Region and Country and enter information on the
- Assistance on completing the Briefing Report template headings is given
[To start a NEW line, it is necessary to put <BR> at the end of a
- Country information - Automatic input by DIMA.
- UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative - Information
inserted by OHR.
- UNDP Personnel Country office to input. However, the names of staff
must be added to the UNDP Staff Data Base prior inclusion. [If in doubt
contact DIMA
- Mail Address / Street Address / Principal Telephone Format / Principal
Facsimile Format - Country office to input.
- Additional RR responsibilities - Country office to input
- URL - Country office to input [CO homepage address]
- Country/Org last updated at: - Automatic input by DIMA
- Telephone-format/Fax-Format/ Email and Registry Email - Country
office to input
- Covered by: - Country office to input [Multiple choice]
- Region/Inactive - Default is No & No [leave as is]
- Other UN Personnel / UN Examining Physicians / Agencies with Office in
Country / Coordinating Unit and Channels of Communication for UNDP Matters /
Hours of Work ; Official holidays / Visa Requirements / Innoculations / Hotel
Accommodation/ Transportation. - Country office to input.
- Non Viewed Remarks - Country office to input.
- Satellite A Satellite B Satellite M - HQs Technical Services
Division [TSD] to input
- URL for Info - Country Office to input
- The date of update will automatically appear.