Record Series : PA Common Service Survey Form

This is an explanation of the purpose of the form ...


Section A:

This information Completed for Each unit and the person compiling information for the work unit 


Section B:

To be completed for Each Record Series



Section A:

This information Completed for Each unit and the person compiling information for the work unit 

[FrontPage Save Results Component]
  1. Please provide the following contact information:

    First Name
    Last Name
    Middle Initial
    Work Phone
  2. Choose one of the following options: UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNOPS, UN Sec, CS/ARM


    Section B:

    To be completed for Each Record Series

  3. Enter your A short Code to Reflect Your Division Section and Unit. For Example Human Resource Division, Carrer Development Section. Training Materials Unit could be : HR/CDS/TMU

  4. Enter The Record Series Abbreviated Title in the space provided below. (Place Extra information in the Note Description Field]

  5. Enter the date of Earliest Material in the Record Series, [can use an approximate day if not certain 01-Jan - 1999]

    -- dd/mm/yy

  6. Enter the date of Latest Material in the Record Series, [can use an approximate day if not certain 01-Jan - 1999] Can be date Closed if series no longer current

    -- dd/mm/yy

  7. Enter Description of the Record Series. Why Created, Why Stored and any other useful information not included in the Series Title

  8. Does this Series contain Vital Records?. Answer Yes or No [Note :Definition of Viotal......]

    Yes No

  9. Select the type of vital record from following options. Choose all that apply: Legal, Financial, Administrative, Policy, Precedent Setting, Human Resource- - Securing Personnel Rights, Structure & Contacts for Organization

    Legal Rights of Organization                    Financial Obligations                           Administrative Continuity                       Human Resource & Personnel Rights             
    Organization Structure and Contacts             Policy, Procedure or Precedent Setting Records  Other Possible Vital Records                    
  10. The number of years suggest to be kept in the office

  11. The number of years suggest to be kept in a Non-Current Record Center

  12. The number of years suggest to be kept in a High Security Storage Area or Official Archives Non-Current Record Center

  13. Does the Series Contain Any Electronic Records?

    Yes No

  14. Are Paper Records in the Series possible Candidates for digitization. E.g Adobie Acrobat pdf files or tiff images?

    Yes No

  15. What Rules Regulation or Policies relate to this record Series or the Business Process which created the records?

  16. What additional information would you like to add. E.g. Oter Section or Units which alos use the records. An Questions you may have or suggestions related to this record Series?

Author information goes here.
Copyright © 1999 [OrganizationName]. All rights reserved.
Revised: August 31, 2004