Message: UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2002-00083 - DAP Funding and Start-Up Digital Archive Project questions on having two phases - after the establishing of functional requirements what can be phased in as part of the plan for a digital archives and what can be budgeted in 2003 while having bids 2002

From: ">Marilla Guptil
To: akeefe
Sent: 8/13/2002 at 11:35:58 AM
Received: 8/13/2002 at 11:35:58 AM
Subject: DAP Funding and Start-Up


In looking through various notes, saw those from Service Chiefs' meeting
attended by Lou M. He said that there is no UN money yet for DAP, so that
there is only $115,000 for "Part I" of the Project. I asked him how, if
this is all there is, we can send out an RFP. He said to phase it.

I don't need to go into the problems with this. Maybe can't have
consecutive vendors working on different phases because of procurement
regs.? No desire for vendors to go after a $115,000 "peanuts" contract so
will only attract relatively new or small companies?

What do you think? I'll try to run it by someone in procurement.

How's your summer. Mine is most undistinguished!