Ref: UN-CS-RAI-USAA-DB01-2005-00024

WGARM members : Below is a year-end up date and planned activities for initial part of 2005. It is based on previous agreements or recent discussions.
Comments most welcome. Please pass on to those interested.

WGARM with key activities for Jan - May 2005
1. Current Status and Proposed 2005 Digital Archive Programme [DAP] project activities and initial time frames 2005
2. Proposed WGARM Presentation to Common Service Task Force in April- May
3. Status of Field Support in IRDAM related areas
4. Status of the MOU for the NYH CS Archives Records and Research Centre.

1. Status and Proposed 2005 Digital Archive Project activities and initial time frames 2005
- Deliverable 1 :Action Plan to develop a Strategic Plan for Digital Archives Programme was completed and approved
- Deliverable 2 - Current status of UNPOs Assessment
- ICT Initial interviews completed, responses being consolidated in db format and summarized by Entium for UNPOs validation
- IRAM Initial interviews completed, responses being consolidated in db format and summarized by Entium for UNPOs validation
- BU Pilot interview of 3 UN-Secretariat units undertaken. one result posted at site.
- BU Pilot interview form to be part of revised package.
See note * - for other details of work with Entium and schedule for remaining BU interviews in FEB-Mar.]

2. Proposed WGARM Presentation to Common Service Task Force in April- May

2.a Status of DAP as of meeting - 3 slides as preview to coming deliverables and what is already known
- Present deliverables and their project time frames as of meeting date
- Report the early findings confirm importance of on-hold Appraisal Decision Assistance Project deliverables for DAP success (see 2.c)
- Note the relationship of UN PO current systems "Readiness" for DAP and impact on budget preparations

2.b Revised rough estimates for planing 2006-2008
- Early in 2005 - initial revision of figures provided in 2003. More detailed estimates will be possible at conclusion of DAP "Strategic Plan"
- Whatever is available by meeting date would be presented in brief [and details available as required]
- WGARM reps need to identify when [and what level of detail ] estimates would be useful to assist input to 2006-2007 or beyond projections.
- These contingency estimates should indicate what might be needed by UNPO [based on current "readiness"]
- 2006 to assist UNPOs main systems and applications meet basic standards for DAP "readiness"
- 2006 to Introduce DAP pilots for key applications, systems, business process or Record Groups in UNPOs
- 2007 for Additional Pilots to expand test for breath applications, systems, business process or Record Groups within org
- 2007-2008 for facilities identified as DAP repository of UNPOs records
- 2007-2009 for independent verification procedures /processes and services to certify compliance
[to agreed standards by centralized or decentralized DAP facilities]

2.c Status for ADA as important part of DAP [to be mentioned in introduction]
- Request support for 3 ADA Activities on hold for which draft TORs available: [June 2005 - May 2006]
- Gap Analysis for Generic and UNPOs Record Series
- Destruction - Retention Schedules - draft time frames proposed for Generic Record Series
[with documented justification of reasoning and proposed approval bodies to obtain agreement].
- ADA tool to record, update and provide links and reports for UNPOs related tables as useful
- Secure Agreement in principal to proceed with RFI/RFP to obtain estimates and approval of initial costs in 2005-06
- Agree WGARM to report back results to CSTF estimate costs via mail poll within 2 months
- Agree UNPOs will have one month to approve estimates to proceed as per TORs or offer alternatives.

2.d Status of DAP/ADA Project Manger in 2006-2007
- Based on above Projects review need for Project manger to continue to represent UNPOs in coordination of input
- Discuss cost sharing agreement
- Agree to continuation or modification of Project Manager responsibilities.

3. Question of how NY-WGARM work supports our Field based colleagues in IRDAM related activities
- UNPOs support field colleagues in [information, records, documents and archives management] related areas
- Limited resources and CS-TF discussion determined that WGARM first direct attention to NY based orgs.
- WGARM as requested by members, drafted a paper identifying a common service approach to field location support
- In 2005, it is proposed to consider what DAP "readiness" budget estimates might also be useful for filed pilot planning for 2006-2007
- Pilots will be dependant on UNPOs resources and identified regional or country office where 2 or more POs wish to be active participants

4. Status of the MOU for the NYH CS Archives Records and Research Centre
- The facilities used by CS Participating Organizations in NY is administered by UN-Sec Archive and Records Management Service.
- Since the move of these facilities a draft MOU was shared and is being reviewed by the organizations which now use the facility.
- Initial charge back arrangements for facilities and services use are included.
- The MOU should be finalized for charge back of outstanding expenses early in 2005.
- The agreement would also be framework for other UNPOs which wanted to join in this arrangement in the future.
- A general inventory and workload study will be done every two years to determine and confirm cost calculations
- It also identifies other archive and record services to be provided [or available to] participating organizations subject to agreement.
- For copy of most recent draft, contact Tony Newton at UN-Secretariat Arms.

See for link to recent issuance of UN Secretariat related to information and communication technology resources and data circulated as ST/SGB/2004/15] . Registered as UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00192,

Best wishes for Holidays and 2005. . I will be away from NY 27 Dec - 28 Jan 2005

Regards, Adhiratha, Co-Chair WGARM
ps. Also below is note of the recent meeting with the DAP Consultants from Entium
Adhiratha Kevin Keefe,
United Nations Children's Fund, H-12G; 3 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA
Office: Phone: 212-326-7667, Fax: 212-303-7989; e-Mail:
[Residence: Phone/Fax: 718-380-8499; E-Mail:
For every child - Health, Education, Equality, Protection - ADVANCE HUMANITY

* Draft note of meeting with Entium 9 Dec 2004*
AAA - Meeting on 09 Dec with Entium Team on DAP and on next steps to prepare for Feb-Mar
[Entium: Bob, Sean and Christine after main meeting with BU test of Part 3 of Questionnaire.]

1. It was agreed that there should be more work to present the BU questionnaire as part of a Package. The package would not only be used at the meeting but also sent to those who might be filling out parts of the form [or colleagues reviewing/verifying or unable to attend the presentation]. It would be posted as a package to the wgarm web site. See note 4 below

2. It was clarified that there are additional and separate set of Questions related to sampling.
- The main questions were already circulated in BU Pilots and other groups [additions to all forms may be added based on the first pilots].
- The responses to these BU questionnaires and Interviews [and the ones competed by the ITC and IRAM groups] will be used to help identify good data or record collections to sample. Draft selection criteria circulated [and to be posted]
- If the some of the sampling questions just need to obtain further clarification to the initial questions, the link to the original question will be identified.
- Some draft sampling questions should be provided by Entium before the next meeting. This should link to the stated goals of the sampling. [Possibly Sean can initially try them out on the internal data groups of Entium or test likely hood of useful response based on the Entium partners experience]

3. The usefulness of drafts of the summarized and detailed results from ICT and IRAM questionnaires back in a standard format was emphasised. The importance of a link to the related notes also in standard format - added by Entium team during interviews [or on later reflection] was also agreed. These should be available form Entium for review by the submitting workunits by mid Jan. These would also be available via the web site. BU would be informed of status for their PO and any initial findings as part of BU presentations in Feb.

4. The introduction to the next Business Units' presentation will include and quick overview of whole project and where BU fit in. The attendees will be presented:
- a Package with at least two slides - that shows overview and all deliverables;
- 2 Page maximum narrative that will be excerpted from the overview already available;
- Excerpt from the Glossary of terms that BU might find most helpful for BU questionnaire. Pointing to full glossary [agreed need to keep the full glossary up to date as we progress].
- a Highlight of the special BU role in the Process for future deliverables and impact for pilot/implementation phase.

5. Parts of these presentations and material developed and tested during BU interview intro, should also be available for use with other interested groups in the UNPOs and as part of initial report to CS Task force in Mar-April on status of DAP

6. Time frame for next meetings:

- End of Jan may other BU [2 from UN-Sec or UNFPA?] to test the revised form and new introduction and presentation.
[Timing depends on what Dhurjati, Tony, other UNPOs reps and Entium think feasible after package is ready]
- 2nd week in FEB : Other BUs to be scheduled
- End of FEB to Mid Mar - hopefully finished BU interviews and early questionnaires processed/summarized back from Entium for validation by UNPOs.
- 3rd week in Feb - Begin for sampling ?

7. A Presentation to CS-TF by WGARM co-chairs is hoped to take place in Mar-April. As part of the presentation we will report on status of DAP/ADA and possible implications for 2006-2007 process, pilots and possible indicative budgets. The slides or any effective early findings from Entium research of other organizations and costs might be useful for this meeting and can also be used as part of the test for the other planned future DAP deliverables.