
Weekly Project Status Report

United Nations Participating Organisations 

Strategic Plan for Digital Archives Program



United Nations Participating Organisations –

Dhurjati Mueller

Tony Newton



Entium Technology Partners LLC -

Fred Diers, CRM, FAI

Principal, Records and Information Management

610-415-7227, fdiers@entium.com

For the week ending January 29, 2005           


Tasks Completed by F. Diers (Entium Project Manager):

§          Review of draft report for Deliverable 2 and 3.

§          Prepared and issued project status report.


Tasks Completed by Entium Project Team:

·          Finalizing data into a summary spreadsheet from the IT and RM questionnaires.  

·          Completed draft of narratives based on interview results.

·          Finalized draft Excel summary questionnaire response.



Tasks to be Accomplished the week beginning January 31, 2005

·          Dhurjati will submit draft report to members of the UN project team for comments.

·          Entium will finalize the IT infrastructure section in the draft report before weeks end. 


Project Action Items (including issues and concerns):

·          Entium will continue to focus on moving the project forward and continue developing the DAP implementation plan for deliverable 4.

·          Dhurjati to distribute the Business Unit package and tentatively schedule interviews the week of February 15, 16, 17th with a back up week of February 22, 23, 24th.