
Weekly Project Status Report

United Nations Participating Organisations 

Strategic Plan for Digital Archives Program



United Nations Participating Organisations –

Dhurjati Mueller

Tony Newton



Entium Technology Partners LLC -

Fred Diers, CRM, FAI

Principal, Records and Information Management

610-415-7227, fdiers@entium.com

For the Week ending 10.30.2004         

Tasks Completed by F. Diers (Entium Project Manager:

§          Scheduled an Entium team meeting in advance of the initial interviews

§          Prepared and issued project status report.

Tasks Completed by Entium Project Team:

·          During the week R. Turner had telephone conversations with D. Mueller regarding the schedule to start Interviews. 

·          Final result is starting interviews on November 2, 2004 with UNDP personnel at 11:00 AM with an IT group and 13:30 PM with the RM group.  We are using the questionnaires submitted the previous week for IT and RM.

·          Interviews are now scheduled for November 2, 3, and 4th with two sessions, one am and one pm.

·          Dhurjati has posted all the documents to the WGARM site.  

·          The two interviews on Tuesday will serve as a pilot in order to evaluate the interview outputs compared to the objective of the DAP.

·          Entium submitted the invoice for Deliverable One on Tuesday.

·          On Friday October 29, 2004 Fred, Bob, Sean, Inga, and Christine met to review the UN project and prepare for next week’s scheduled interviews at the UN. 

1.       All the documents posted to the WGARM website that were sent to the UNDP interviewees were reviewed, this consisted of questionnaires, annexes, and supporting documents.

2.       Team discussed various approaches to developing the model and importance of capturing supporting data as background for the UN team.  Entium will be, in most cases, finding gaps in some of the organizations documentation processes. Entium will need to make sure our model can be substantiated by data gathered during these interviews.  In some cases gaps will be found that the UN will have to address and rectify before implementing this DAP.

3.       The team expressed the need for further details regarding the archival appraisal process, roles and responsibilities and current designations for archival materials to support the sampling effort.

§          What sampling approach are we using?

§          What should be the scope of the effort?

§          Will the client be able to appropriately identify records for the sampling effort?

§          What criteria are they using to identify records of archival value?

§          Why so many records are flagged as archival today, what is their definition of the word “archival value”?

4.       Discussed the ADA project and the value of its information as a base line for this project.

5.       Discussed the importance of identifying where the UN is today in relation to electronic records management and the impact that our findings will have on the rollout DAP.  UNDP is apparently the leader in being prepared for a Digital Archival Program.  The other organizations may be further behind in this effort.

6.       The team feels that we need to restructure the Business Unit Questionnaire to be more in line with what type of questions support the DAP effort.

7.       We will attempt to establish a schedule of two interviews per day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week and our schedule will be for all of November and December.

8.       Bob will keep track of the items identified as to needing answers from the UN.

9.       Inge will maintain spreadsheet collecting information we gather from our interviews so we can identify gaps disclosed during the process.

10.    Inga focused on what type of models and the number to be provided

§          Develop a Reference Model (based on OAIS Model) which supplies a common framework, including terminology and concepts for describing and comparing architectures and operations of digital archives. 

§          Develop a minimum of 2 Functional Model(s) which UNPOs may follow including a model with a shared or co-operative repository network and a model with an in-house repository network.

11.    Inga will review the current IT questionnaire and make recommendations to Bob as to what should be modified to meet the above.  Bob will have the data inputted to the questionnaire before it is sent to the balance of UN interviewees.

12.    Bob will compare interview progress as it relates to the Deliverable Certificate Checklist document to maintain progress as defined by the DAP project. 


Tasks to be Accomplished the week beginning November 1, 2004

1.       Commence initial interviews on Tuesday, November 2nd   with UNDP.

·         The initial schedule of interviews will be Tuesday through Thursday of this week.

2.       Coordinate interview tasks and schedules with D. Mueller           



Project Action Items (including issues and concerns):

·          Action Items for the UN project team:

Required:  Scheduling of interviews throughout the month of November. Thirty interviews and data gathering to commence November 2nd and cover a four week time frame. The objective is completing the interviewing process before Christmas. 

·          Refer to the project task completion report for performance to date percentages.