























  68 October 2004 September 28




1.      Description

2.      Development of the SCS

3.      Basic principles of the SCS

4.      Finding a category

5.      Choosing categories for offices

6.      Adding categories

7.      Mission-related files

8.      Chronological files

9.      Training


Primary File Subject Categories


Primary File Subject Categories – Definitions, Application, Special instructions


DPKO Subject Classification Filing Scheme


DPKO SCS Filing Index



1. Description


The uniform Subject Classification Filing Scheme (SCS) described in this handbook is established for use throughout DPKO Headquarters.  The purpose is to bring together in one system all the records that DPKO holds.  This system is designed for use in both paper and electronic document management systems.


2. Development of the SCS


The filing plan was developed after consultation with all operating units within DPKO and with the assistance of the UN Archives and Records Management Service (ARMS).  It incorporates elements of the existing filing systems of each of the operating units.


3. Basic principles of the SCS


The SCS is an alphanumeric filing plan.  Each filing code begins with a three letter alphabetical designator for the primaryncipal subject:  BUD for budget-related records, LEG for legal issues, and so on.  A list of the principal subjects follows this introduction.


Under each alphabetic subject are numbered subjects.  In all primary subject categories except Reports (REP), number 1 is reserved for Administrative matters (for example, HRM 01), 2 is reserved for Policy (for example, MIL 02), 3 is reserved for Planning (for example, LOG 03), 4 is reserved for Standard Operating Procedures,  5 is reserved for Partnerships, 6 is reserved for Best Practices, and 7 is reserved for Reference.  After the first seven numbers, the numbers are arbitrarily assigned to topic categories.


Records in a Planning file are those created or received as a part of the exercise of any function where DPKO has the lead.  That includes all planning within DPKO for its own purposes.  If the planning activity is led elsewhere and DPKO is supporting or partnering with another entity, these records will go under the secondary category for Partnerships (05).


In some instances, the numbered subject categories are subdivided more than once.once or twice.  A subcategory may either be numeric or alphabetical.  For example, under PCR, which is the alphabetical designator for State-building/Peace-buildingkeeping/Post Conflict Reconstruction, number 45 is Partnerships or PCR 054.  Partnerships the This then  has a subfile for Regional Organizations (PCR 045-01)., Regional Organizations  and it in turn hthen hasas alphabetical subcategories for specific organizations such as the African Union. The alphanumeric code for documents related to DPKO’s work with the African Union regarding State-building/Peace-building/Post Conflict Reconstruction would be coded PCR 05-01-01.


4. Finding a category


This handbook includes an alphabetical index to the subject categories in the SCS.  The index includes every entry in the SCS plus additional terms that a person filing might use to characterize the item to be filed.  The index will grow and change as more terms are used.


Under each SCS primary category (except the REP Reports category) the secondary category  numbered 023 is PlanningPartnershipsStandard Operating Procedures.  Records in a Planning file are those created or received as a part of the exercise of any function where DPKO has the lead.  That includes all planning within DPKO for its own purposes.  If the planning activity is led elsewhere and DPKO is supporting or partnering with another entity, these records will go under s45a coordination file, either by the subject of the coordination or by the name of the entity that is the partner.



5. Choosing categories for offices


A basic outline of file categories to be used in each office in PKO that maintains separate files has been developed.  Any office in DPKO can use any file category from the SCS.  ADM, for example, is not reserved just for the use of the administrative staff, and MIL is not just for the use of the Military Division.  All offices should use any of the official categories that they need to maintain and easily retrieve the records they create.


6. Adding categories


If an office finds that it has material that does not fit easily within the current SCS categories at the first, second, or third level, the office should contact OUSG Front Office and request that an additional file category be established.  Additions to categories at below the third levellevel four and below may be made by the office concerned with notification to the OUSG Front Office.


7. Mission-related files


Some offices file records by mission, while others file by subject matter. Either practice will work with the SCS. Offices filing by mission will adopt the SCS to organize the mission file. For example, MONUC’s budget would be filed as follows: MONUC /BUD /09. Offices filing by subject would file as BUD /09.Some offices maintain records on each mission supported by the office.  Sometimes these are entirely separate file series from the records of the Headquarters office, and sometimes they are a separate file on a subject but interfiled with the headquarters records.  Either practice will work with the SCS.  For mission files, the mission code precedes the alphanumeric designator.  For example, if the office maintains a file on force generation for MONUC, the code for military force generation is MIL 089, so the Headquarters file on force generation for MONUC is MONUC MIL 089.  In an electronic system these codes will automatically bring the regional files together; in paper, the office can choose to interfile the regional MIL 089 files  after the Headquarters MIL 089 or keep them as a separate series.


8. Chronological files


Many offices retain duplicate copies of records in a chronological file.  Offices may, if they choose, continue to maintain chronological files, but they should ensure that all official records are in the SCS and that the chronological file contains only duplicates preserved for convenience of reference.


9. Training


The OUSG/Front Officeproposed records management officer  ARMS in coordination with ARMSOUSG Front Office will coordinatedevelop and provide  training on using thethe application of SCS.  All staff members who are responsible for filing official records within their areas will receive training.



1.      ADM   Administration and Management

2.      AUD    Audit, Oversight, Evaluation, Investigations

3.1.BUD          Budget

4.3.      CIV     Civil Affairs

5.4.      CSM    Commodities & Services Management

6.5.      DDR    DDR/DDRRR

7.6.      ELE     Electoral Affairs

8.7.      EXT     External Relations/Public Information

9.8.      FEN     Facilities and Engineering

10.9.      FIN      Financial Management

11.10.  HRM   Human Resource Management

12.11.  HRT     Human Rights

13.12.  HUM   Humanitarian Affairs

14.13.  ICT      Information & Communications Technology

15.14.  INM    Information Management

16.15.  LEG     Legal

17.16.  LOG    Logistics

18.17.  MIL     Military

19.17.MIN          Mine Action

20.18.  ORG    Organizational and Policy Development

21.19.  PCR     State-building / Peace-building / Post Conflict Reconstruction

22.20.  POL     Political Affairs

23.21.  REP     Reports

24.22.  RUL     Rule of Law

25.23.  SAS     Security and Safety



ADM  Administration and Management

Definition:  Records on matters common to all units in DPKO, including policy decisions regarding administrative matters, the Strategic Framework, USG’s Programme Management Plan, area work plans, office inventories, HQ space planning, and procurement of items and services for HQ. 


Application:  HQ functions


Special instructions:  Use HRM for Personnel-related records, not ADM.



AUD Audit, Oversight, Evaluation, Investigations

Definition:  Records that deal with reviewing and evaluating the administrative and substantive work of DPKO.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



BUD    Budget

Definition:  Records covering all aspects of the budget process.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

Agreements (MOUs, Letters of Assistance, SOFAs, SOMAs) are filed under LEG 09 Agreements.

Commercial contracts are filed under LEG 10.



CIV     Civil Affairs

Definition:  Records relating to matters of assistance to local civilian authorities and communities to restore political, legal and social infrastructures that support democratic governance and economic development.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



CSM   Commodities & Services Management

Definition:  Records on providing goods and services to the field missions.


Application:  Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

Contracts for HQ or field goods and services are filed under LEG 10 Contracts.  Documents on the management of field contracts are filed under CSM 07 Contract administration.



DDR  Disarmament, Demobilization and Re-integration


Definition:  Records relating to the administration and coordination of activities including disarmament, demobilization and re-integration of former combatants sometimes also including national forces.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



ELE  Electoral Affairs


Definition:  Records relating to the administration and coordination of electoral assistance activities.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



EXT    External Relations/Public Information

Definition:  Information from external sources received by DPKO and communications that document, describe, and promote the work of DPKO and/or the UN.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  Speeches and Public briefings are filed in EXT –11 Speeches and public briefings; internal DPKO briefings are filed under REP 09.



FEN    Facilities and Engineering

Definition:  Records that deal with the facilities planning, building management and infrastructure requirements of the field missions including facilities/structures for military components.


Application:  Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  HQ facilities management is filed in ADM 07, not in FEN.



FIN     Financial Management

Definition:  Records that deal with the management and monitoring of Field Mission financial matters and Headquarters operations.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

Mine Action Voluntary Trust Fund is filed under Financial Mangagement (FIN) 09, not under Mine Action (MIN).

Agreements (MOUs, Letters of Assistance, SOFAs, SOMAs) are filed under LEG 09 Agreements.

Commercial contracts are filed under LEG 10 Contracts.



HRM  Human Resource Management

Definition:   Records relating to civilian, police, and military personnel matters at HQ and civilian personnel in field missions.


Application:  HQ (All categories of personnel) and Field (civilian personelpersonnel only)


Special instructions: 

File all records relating to training policy for civilian, police, and military personnel under HRM.

File all records relating to conduct and disciplinary matters policy for civilian, police, and military personnel at HQ and in the field missions under HRM.

File SG’s reports on authorized staffing under HRM 06

File MOUs for staffing under LEG 09.



HRT  Human Rights


Definition:  Records relating to the administration and coordination of human rights activities.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



HUM  Humanitarian Affairs


Definition:  Records relating to the administration and coordination of humanitarian activities, including the provision of assistance to victims of war and natural disasters.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



ICT     Information & Communications Technology

Definition:  Records that deal with hardware, software, telecommunications and information technology and software development.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  Records related to the development of electronic applications are filed here; applications in use are in INM.



INM    Information Management

Definition:  Records that pertain to document, records, archives, information, content and knowledge management; mail operations, registry and tracking; information distribution, collaboration and sharing.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  Records related to electronic applications in use are filed here; records relating to the development of software applications are filed in ICT.



LEG    Legal

Definition:  Records that deal with UN-DPKO legal matters in the field missions and liaison with OLA.


Application:  Field Mission functions and liaison with OLA.


Special instructions: 

            LEG 07 Applicable laws is filed alphabetically by country.

File all Agreements (MOUs, Letters of Assistance, SOFAs, SOMAs) in LEG 09 Agreements.

File all contracts, both for HQ and field, in LEG 10 Contracts.  Management of field contracts is filed in CSM 04 Contracts administration.



LOG    Logistics

Definition:  Records that deal with the day-to-day coordination and provision of logistics support to the field missions; records that deal with transportation.


Application:  Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  In addition to LOG 09 for Contingent-owned equipment see also Financial Management (FIN) and Military (MIL).


MIL    Military

Definition:    Records relating to the provision and management of military and related activities in peacekeeping missions.


Application:  Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

File records dealing with training policy under HRM 02 Policy.

File records dealing with conduct and disciplinary matters under HRM 11 Conduct.

            MIL 03-02 Military -  Planning – Concepts of Operation is filed alphabetically by mission, country, or region under review.

In addition to MIL 10-01 for Contingent-owned equipment, see also Financial Management (FIN) and Logistics (LOG) .

Records relating to Security Sector Reform are filed under  PCR State-building / Peace-building / Post Conflict Reconstruction.


MIN    Mine Action

Definition:  Records that deal with the administration and coordination of mine action activities.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

Mine Action Voluntary Trust Fund is filed under Financial Management (FIN) 09 Trust Funds.

Pledges, contributions for mine action are filed under FIN 09-02 Donors.

Cost plans for mine action are filed under FIN 09-03 Cost Plan.

Payments for mine action are filed under FIN 09-04 Expenditures.

Financial reports for mine action are filed under FIN 09-05 Status.

            MIN 02-01 National policies is filed alphabetically by name of country.

            MIN 07 Current operations has subordinate categories 07-01 UN operations and 07-02 Non-UN operations.  Both subordinate categories are filed alphabetically by name of country.



POL  Political Affairs


Definition:  Records that deal with the dynamics of armed conflict, including activities to help resolve them through peaceful processes, such as negotiation processes and good offices.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:



PCR    State-building / Peace-building / Post Conflict Resolution


Definition:  Records relating to the administration and coordination of state-building, peace-building, and post conflict reconstruction activities, such asincluding institutional capacity building, and good governance, security sector reform, constitution making, and economic development. It also encompasses civil affairs, including assistance to communities, and participatory political and civic processes.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:

            PCR 04 Partnerships has subordinate categories 04-01 Regional organizations and 04-02 UN system.  Both subordinate categories are filed alphabetically by name of organization or acronym.




REP    Reports \ Briefings

Definition:  Reports and briefings on DPKO activities including , including those to the General Assembly and the Security Council. Includes talking points and,  records related to the work of standing (ACABQ, Fifth committee) and temporaryand records of committees, task forces, and working groups..



Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:

Established committees, working groups and task forces are filed alphabetically by title or acronym. Newly formed committees, working groups and task forces are filed and assigned a filing code as they are established.

REP 023 General Assembly is filed chronologically.

REP 101-01 Assessment reports includes pre-deployment, verification, and security reports.

REP 11 Meetings includes agendas and minutes of meetings.

Visits and briefings for visits are filed under REP 09 Briefings.

Public briefings and speeches are filed under External Relations\Public Information (EXT) 11 Speeches and public briefings.


RUL  Rule of Law


Definition:  Records relating to the provision and management of civilian police officers, and activities relating to the establishment and strengthening of civilian police, judiciary and corrections structures to strengthenuphold the rule of law.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions:  Records relating to civilian police are filed under RUL except for Civilian Police records dealing with training policy (filed under HRM 02 Policy) and conduct and disciplinary matters (filed under HRM 11 Conduct).


Records relating to Security Sector Reform are filed under  PCR State-building / Peace-building / Post Conflict Reconstruction.


SAS     Security and Safety

Definition:  Records relating to safety and security programs and practices, including physical security, personnel and travel security, and security standards.


Application:  HQ and Field Mission functions


Special instructions: 

Security assessments are only those assessments directed by the Secretary-General or the Under Secretary-General for DPKO.  Assessments include high-level technical assessments.