UN-CS-RAI-USAA-DB01-2005-00223 -Items related to intro of word processors to UNPOs in NY 1977

External ID Title Expanded Number
CF-HST-ITD-Word-Prcess Link to records related to UNPOs introduction of Word Procesing Equipment in 1978-1979 Gneral Assembly Doc A/C.5/32/11 and UNICEF memo , NIOSH info on radiation tests for CRTs UN-CS-RAI-USAA-DB01-2005-00223
CF-USAA-MEMO-1978 Memo: World Processing Equipment -Recomendation for UNICEF to use WANG Equipment as of Oct 1978 to replace IBM Mag Cards CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-0245
UN-GA-A/C.5/32/11 Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1978-1979 - Revised estimates under section 23A. Department of Conference Services - Report of the Secretary General + Annex 247/A01 Estimated costs of text processing and reproduction equipment for 1978-1979 CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-0247
UN-GA-A/C.5/32/11/ANX01 Annex 247/A01 Estimated costs of text processing and reproduction equipment for 1978-1979 Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1978-1979 - Revised estimates under section 23A. Department of Conference Services - Report of the Secretary General + CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-RAM-2005-00107
UN-ST-DCS-1977 Selection of Wang Word Processing Equipment for the Department of Conference Services - English/French/Spanish Stenographic Pools CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-0246
USA-NIOSH A Letter from Wordie H. Parr, Ph.D, Chief of Physical Agents Effects Branch of National Insttitute for Occupational Safety and Health Work Flow of Documents - background NIOSH VDT / CRT radiation questions CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-0248

Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)