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External ID Title Expanded Number
RAMP-TRIM-X-D-01 Classification for Series Records based on UNPO 'Records Classes Linked to Business Processes - Functions, Subfunctions and Series as part of Appraisal Decision Assistance Project CF/RAI/NYHQ/DPP/RAM/2003-00554
RAMP-TRIM-X-E-02 RAMP-TRIM Train Manual Annex E: RAMP Training Modules, Introductory Memo to Supervisiors and Record Focal Points, Descriptions and Schedule for May-June 2000 CF/NYH/EPP/RAM/2000-0111
RAMP-TRIM-X-F Annex F = RAMP Management Briefing I; RAMP-TRIM Train Manual Key Questions; Why Standard Filing? Filing Elements, Divisional Action Plan CF/NYH/EPP/RAM/2000-0140
RAMP-TRIM-X-G Annex G = RAMP-TRIM Related UNICEF Policy and Procedure Guidelines, EXD etc. to be added for previous list CF/NYH/EPP/RAM/2000-0141
RAMP-TRIM-X-G-01 Intro to: Ramp Policies and Procedures on INFO net. http://www.intranet.unicef.org/IMU/libweb/addition.htm CF/RAI/NYHQ/DPP/RAM/2003-00559
RAMP-TRIM-X-G-01A Annex G = RAMP-TRIM Related. Main and sub-goals for RAMU and seven sub-goals CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1997-0290
RAMP-TRIM-X-G-04A Annex G = RAMP-TRIM Related. Administration Manual Appraisal for Total Retention Time - Book J Chapter 10 Section 4 Appendix C p.27, Appraisl Grid CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1993-0174
RAMP-TRIM-X-G-04B Annex G = RAMP-TRIM Related. UNICEF Sample Appraisal Grid. Percentage and TImes. Appraisal for Total Retention Time. Book J Chapter 10 Section 4 Appendix C CF/NYH/IRM/RAM/1993-0176
RAMP-TRIM-X-G-12 Technical issues related to Electronic Record including e-mail: Draft RAM work book Annex G; compare, size, paper, tif, PDF, e-mail text file. File size thickness # of Pages Tiff file, scanned - PDF file image & text, e-mail simple text message - CF/NYH/EPP/RAM/2000-0214
RAMP-TRIM-X-H-07-00 Graphic from RAMP Over view: HD Nove 2000 - Minimum, Normal Situation, Improved Organization CF/NYH/EPP/RAM/2000-0275

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)